The Complete Guide to Efficient Training Operations

L&D teams certainly want learners to learn, but could making their training operations more efficient help drive better outcomes? Efficiency in business is certainly nothing new, and increasing efficiency in training operations can improve the experience for everyone. This includes instructional designers and subject matter experts who build the course; employees taking the course to […]
Microlearning: Key Benefits and Best Practices

In a world where attention spans are shrinking and the pace of business is accelerating, traditional learning methods are struggling to keep up. Enter microlearning, a revolutionary approach that’s transforming the way we acquire knowledge and skills. In 2024, the worldwide market for microlearning was valued at approximately USD 1550 million, highlighting its growing importance in […]
Training Budgets: How to Set, Optimize, and Track Them

Your training budget needs to be more than a shot in the dark, but how can you go about calculating it and producing an accurate prediction of your training costs? Not only will those approving your training budget want to see some justification for your calculations, but your budget allocation also plays a significant role […]
Learning and Development Planning Guide [With Templates]

As the pace of business increases and unpredictable market forces continue to influence strategy and decision-making, it seems like it’s never been harder to create a plan and stick with it. Many organizations are still creating 3-5 year strategies, but they need to be more agile and flexible than ever. Successful businesses (and successful functions […]
We’ve Got a New Name! Synapse is Now Cognota.
We couldn’t be more excited to share the news that we’ve changed our company name to Cognota. This change has been in the works for quite a bit and was a big decision. But we couldn’t be more pleased with it and the new visual identity that was developed to support the change. It comes […]
Introducing Our New VP, People Ops & Culture: Ara Cruz

We’ve worked hard as a team at Cognota to create a strong culture and lay the foundation for successfully striving towards our shared goals together. Now that the team is growing (and growing quickly!), the time was right to welcome a new team member who could take our People Ops and the company culture to […]
Introducing Our New CISO & Director, PrivacyOps: Sabino Marquez

As a SaaS company, the security and protection of our customers’ data is paramount. So, as we continue to grow our team, this is an area of critical importance: ensuring we have the right people on board to secure and maintain the protection and integrity of the data our customers entrust to our software. Enter […]
5 Training Needs Analysis Templates (Excel, Word, and PDF)

Needs Assessment Templates to Guide Your Learning Solutions You can operate on hearsay when it comes to understanding the training needs of your organization – but hard data is always better. That’s where training needs analysis comes into play. By standardizing the way you understand the skills gaps in your organization and the training […]
Cognota Product Tips: Creative Ways to Use Your Design Outputs

Our Customer Success Team shares some interesting ways we’re seeing our customers use the Cognota design outputs. Cognota’s Design features have been used by customers to streamline their instructional design process, create alignment with subject matter experts and rapidly design content that can be launched within a Learning Management System. But over the last few […]
The Ultimate Guide to Running Training Projects Effectively

Projects of any kind are fraught with the potential for derailment. Budgets can be stretched to their limit, deadlines can be missed, and the core project team can struggle to maintain cohesion. Training projects in particular are prone to these issues and more. They require input from multiple people at different stages of the project […]