4 Ways to Measure the Success of Agile Learning

agile learning success

Agile Learning implementation can be time-consuming and take a lot of dedication. So, once you’re up and running, it’s understandable that you’ll want to realize the benefits ASAP. But to articulate how and why your Agile Learning processes are beneficial, you’ll need structured KPIs to measure results in a meaningful way.

The most important thing is to remember the aims and objectives of Agile and whether you’re achieving those goals. 

So, here are 4 KPIs that are essential for measuring the success of Agile Learning, not just for your training team, but for your stakeholders and learners, too.

Looking for more guidance on Agile Learning implementation? Check out this free ebook:
The Beginner’s Guide to Agile Learning

1. Speed to Market

One of the core components of the Agile philosophy is speed and repetition. The goal is speeding up the delivery of working learning solutions to learners with the understanding that a continuous testing and iteration process improves upon the solution.

So one of the ways you can track whether your Agile Learning is successful is the speed from initial training request to course deployment and how it compares to your pre-Agile days.

You can even break this down into specific deadlines throughout the course creation process. Have you been able to reduce the time from kick-off to the storyboard development? Or the time between authoring and deployment?

Getting granular like this can help identify where your Agile processes still need some work

2. Learner Engagement

Speed to market and closer collaboration amongst the project teams are all very well. But, if you’re not improving the learner experience or outcomes, all other benefits fall by the wayside. That’s why customer satisfaction and consumer-centric design is such an important element of the Agile philosophy.

Even if you’re already collecting learner feedback, start to monitor any changes between pre-Agile and post-Agile implementation. Learner engagement is tracked differently across organizations depending on how learning experiences are delivered, but some good ones to start with include:

  • Course adoption rate
  • Course completion rate
  • Learner satisfaction

It’s not just important to see if your Agile Learning framework is leading to better outcomes for learners. It’s also essential to use that learner feedback and incorporate it into your iterations on your course development. 

tracking the success of agile learning

3. Escaped Defects

Another core benefit of Agile is the reduction of bugs or other issues before launching your new learning experience. If a problem arises, your Agile Learning framework should be built to spot and correct them early on in the process (or at least with plenty of time left to fix them). Plus, if there is a problem, the iterative nature of your Agile course development means it is easier to prioritize and fix those issues.

In the software development world, those bugs are directly related to product usage. But it’s possible to extend this definition to all sorts of other interruptions and nasty surprises throughout the duration of your training project.

So, you should track defects in the course development process as well as on the learner end to get a true measure of your Agile Learning success, including:

  • Unexpected budget increases
  • Poor content
  • Technical issues (particularly with elearning course deployment)
  • Unclear/poorly written learning objectives
  • Difficult course navigation
  • Missed deadlines

Again, analyzing these metrics pre-Agile versus post-Agile will provide tons of insight into the success of your Agile Learning implementation. You can avoid all of these defects through a thorough and well-executed Agile project. So, if you’re still not hitting the mark on an individual metric like those listed above, it’s a good opportunity to get into the nuts and bolts of your training project processes and identify the root issue. 

Sometimes, the issue can be that your Agile Learning framework just isn’t the right one for you and your team. There are tons of options out there. Check out this free ebook for more guidance on different Agile Learning methodologies and how to choose the right one.

agile learning metrics

4. Team Satisfaction

Agile only works if you have a team that is dedicated to the culture and the processes needed to make Agile Learning a success. Without a team that is fully on board, you’ll likely start to see the other metrics on this list slip. Or worse, your Agile Learning implementation will completely fail.

That’s why it’s important to track team satisfaction as early on in your implementation as possible. Take regular feedback on specific points of your Agile framework. You need to make sure your team is satisfied with:

  • How processes are built and managed
  • The team structure, roles, and responsibilities
  • Tools/software

Not only that, but be sure to take their suggestions on board as well, especially where process pain points are concerned. Are new tools needed? Do they feel extra Agile training would be beneficial? Listening to concerns and taking feedback on board will ensure that all-important commitment from your training team.

Agile Learning is there to drive speed and agility in the way training teams create and deliver learning experiences. It has proven most useful for navigating an increasingly demanding and fast-paced business environment.

Now that we’re all facing such drastic change and uncertainty in the way we work and learn, it’s important to take stock of L&D’s new path forward. Join this upcoming webinar to hear L&D experts discuss those changes and how learning leaders can guide their organization through them.

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4 Ways to Measure the Success of Agile Learning