We did a lot this year! From hosting webinars to sending out ebooks, we covered a lot of topics, trends, and insights in 2020.
Some of our resources stood out to our subscribers as being particularly useful, so we thought we’d round them up for you right here so you can check them out at your leisure.

The Training Manager’s Guide to Team Productivity and Meeting Training Demand
The expectation on L&D to deliver highly impactful, performance-driving training is higher than ever. But as demand increases, the struggle to keep up affects training teams of all sizes and budgets.
You’ll learn:
- Why L&D teams are struggling to keep up with demand
- The characteristics of productive training teams
- The benefits and processes of capacity planning
- How to understand and manage your team’s capacity
- The role of learning technology in increasing team productivity
The Beginner’s Guide to Agile Learning
Without taking the time to get a full grasp of the Agile philosophy, you risk running into all sorts of bottlenecks when implementation time comes around. But you can save yourself a lot of time now by laying a solid foundation of Agile knowledge and developing a clear picture of how your next steps should look.
You’ll learn:
- The core principles of Agile philosophy
- The fundamental theories of Agile Learning
- How to prepare for selecting an Agile Learning methodology
- Key misconceptions about Agile and why they should be disregarded
- Next steps for Agile Learning implementation
Training Intake to the Rescue! How to Make L&D the Superheroes of Your Organization
It’s never been a better time to re-work your training intake process, from how you capture and manage training requests to leveraging intake to better align your training team’s output with corporate objectives.
You’ll learn:
- Why it’s the ideal time to do a training intake overhaul
- The benefits of a well-managed training intake process
- How to build training request forms your learners (and your team) will love
- How to navigate tricky training request situations

An Expert’s Secret Formula for Keeping eLearning Projects on Track and on Budget
(With award-winning eLearning designer, Tim Slade)
Optimizing project management workflows is often a secondary focus for training teams. But ignoring project management problems means the same challenges, such as missed deadlines and unexpected changes, crop up time and again.
You’ll learn:
- The risk of not managing projects
- How to manage struggles with stakeholders and SMEs
- ADDIE vs. SAM vs. Project Management
- How to conduct a Kickoff Meeting
- Asking the right questions
- How to create a Project Plan and Timeline
- How to understand and manage Scope Creep
Transforming Your Training Intake Process for Successful Course Launch
Training teams can sometimes get stuck in a cycle of diving into training projects without spending the time needed for requirements gathering during training intake. The best way to avoid bottlenecks during course design is to use an established framework for intake and kick-off, so nothing gets missed.
You’ll learn:
- Why you should take a standardized approach to training intake
- How to structure your training intake process to get a head start on effective course design
- How to keep all members of the training project team on the same page
- The benefits this approach creates for your end product
- How training intake software can help you to better manage, prioritize, and process training requests
The New L&D Gameplan: How to Safeguard Against Uncertainty in Uncertain Times
Since it’s looking like uncertainty and constant flux are set to be continuous components of our “new normal,” it’s imperative that you reset and lead with a new L&D gameplan that’s built for tackling uncertainty. In this webinar, we spoke with Nick Howe, CLO at Area9 Lyceum, and Fernando Sanchez-Arias, Chief People Officer at CLICK Institute, about:
- Why some of us have found recent turmoil more challenging than others
- How learning leaders can address capacity issues for an over-stretched team
- The key challenges faced by L&D recently and those that lie ahead
- What training teams can do to ensure they’re never caught off guard in the same way again
- What lies ahead for L&D and how learning leaders can prepare for uncertainty and change in the long term

The Secret Formula for Working with SMEs
Like any cross-functional team, working with SMEs comes with its own set of challenges, from managing expectations and meeting deadlines, to maintaining productive working relationships. In this toolkit, you’ll find everything you need to keep you and your SMEs on track for successful course development, including:
- Email templates – from project kick-off to deadline reminders
- Project roadmap to set expectations and provide a clear path
- Project kick-off checklist and meeting agenda
- Course template for SMEs to “data dump” their knowledge to L&D
- Job aids for your SMEs to get to grips with the instructional design basics
- Plus, a full guide on how to make the most out of your new toolkit assets
The Learning and Development 2021 Strategy Toolkit
Taking a highly strategic approach to your plan for the coming year has never been more relevant or more crucial to the success of L&D than preparing for 2021. That means taking a systematic approach to how you structure your strategy, choose your objectives, keep track of progress, and measure success. In this toolkit, you’ll receive a:
- Strategy overview template
- Customizable objective/initiative progress tracker
- 2021 strategy calendar
- Strategy checklist
- L&D strategy cheat sheet

Back to Basics: How Well Do You Really Know Your Instructional Design Fundamentals?
In this instructional design quiz, you’ll test your knowledge of instructional design principles and theories and see if there is anything you need to brush up on! Will you be top of the class or hitting the books for some much needed revision?
How Agile is Your Training Team?
Is your team as Agile as a hare or, right now, are you something more akin to a tortoise? Agility is about speed, collaboration, and listening to your learners’ feedback. But when it comes to Agile implementation, training teams often come up against challenges they hadn’t foreseen. If you’re in the middle of Agile implementation, or you want to see whether your current processes still need a little work, take our quick quiz to find your team’s Agile spirit animal!
We hope you enjoy our top downloaded content of 2020! Don’t forget to subscribe to be notified as we roll out lots more in the year ahead.