Paper or Pixels? Choose Your Instructional Design Tools Wisely

If you are of a certain vintage – like yours truly – you remember when supermarkets were making the switch from paper bags to plastic sacks. Cashiers were sensitive to preferences during the transition, and most supermarket checkout transactions started with the question, “Paper or plastic?” For project managers, instructional designers and just about anyone […]

Analyze Is the First Step in Great Learning Design

Whether you are a strict adherent to the ADDIE training model or you have a barely passing familiarity with the Grand Old Dame of instructional design, there is a reason that all great training starts with the “A” or “analysis”.  Without a needs analysis, you don’t know where you are going. A training needs analysis […]

Not So Fast Learning Designers! The Rumors of ADDIE’s Death Are Premature

Instructional designers have been hearing for years that “ADDIE is dead.” Do “this” or “that” instead. I would be the first to admit that maybe a shortcut here or there is called for under certain circumstances. I have taken many of those shortcuts myself. But if you are serious about creating learning that gets results, […]

Great Learning Design Leads to Great Performance on the Job

Last week, I attended an intriguing conference at Bloomsburg University in Pennsylvania sponsored by the Instructional Technology department. Before the event, I surveyed the attendees to find out their most pressing problems in training. Vying for the top spot was that training does not result in the desired job performance. Ouch. Programs like the one […]

5 Signs You Should Invest in Instructional Design

Ask anyone who develops or delivers training and they will tell you that training does not solve all your performance problems. Sometimes a performance issue is related to something else like your incentive program, the corporate culture, personal motivation, and corporate leadership style. If you’ve eliminated all these other performance hurdles and have decided that, […]

Rapid Prototyping for Instructional Design in the Age of Agile Software Development

Continuous quality improvement has been a watchword in business excellence for nearly a half century. CQI evolved as more industries and practitioners adapted it for their own purposes. Following the introduction of the software industry, CQI evolved as an agile approach to product development. The term “agile” has become synonymous with innovation and competitiveness, and […]

A Tale of 36 Instructional Designers

Here’s a tale of 36 instructional designers, one instructional design position and what separated the winner from the also-rans. One training design company had a competition for a single instructional design position. It had 36 applicants, all of whom said they had a background in designing corporate training. They had resumes to prove it. The […]

The Role of the Subject Matter Expert in the Learning Design Process

When you need to include a subject matter expert to help you with your training course, you have raised the stakes for the project. Why? Because the inclusion of a SME means that your course is carrying precious cargo, which is often the highly valued or irreplaceable knowledge of a subject matter expert. If your […]

Peggy Salvatore

Peggy is an experienced SEO professional and is the Managing Director & Founder at Digitaloft, a UK-based agency, and an experienced specialist in content-first SEO and digital PR.

With more than 14 years’ experience in SEO, a career spanning both the technical and creative sides of the industry, and having spent the last nine years growing an agency at the forefront of the digital PR and content-led SEO space, James offers valuable insights into proven tactics as well as being an advocate for the importance of building a positive agency culture.

Peggy has previously spoken at or written for events and publications including SMX, BrightonSEO, Pubcon, WordCamp, State of Search, Search Engine Journal, Search Engine Land and Semrush.


  • SEO Strategy
  • eCommerce SEO
  • Digital PR
  • Link Building
  • E-E-A-T
  • Algorithm Update Recovery


BSc Management (Marketing), University of Manchester

Published Articles:

Previous Speaking Engagements:

  • The Digital PR Summit 2024 – Would you still want this link if Google didn’t exist?
  • SMX Next 2023 – Practical ways to demonstrate E-E-A-T at the content, author, and brand levels
  • Affiliate Gathering 2023 – Digital PR for Niche Sites: How to Consistently Earn Links from the Press
  • BrightonSEO April 2023 – The traditional approach to SEO Is broken. Here’s how to prioritise your efforts & drive rapid growth

Peggy Salvatore

Connect with Peggy Salvatore

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