Great Learning Design Leads to Great Performance on the Job

Last week, I attended an intriguing conference at Bloomsburg University in Pennsylvania sponsored by the Instructional Technology department. Before the event, I surveyed the attendees to find out their most pressing problems in training. Vying for the top spot was that training does not result in the desired job performance. Ouch. Programs like the one […]

Align Subject Matter Experts with Business Needs for Better Learning

This blog has previously covered the importance of aligning learning with the needs of the business. Here’s how to work with subject matter experts (SMEs) for maximum effect. The word learning, which has largely replaced training in the corporate lexicon, suggests “knowledge for its own sake.” However, to justify its existence, corporate learning needs to […]


Learning and Development in the Energy Industry: Training for Safety and Compliance

Learning and development in the oil and gas industry faces the challenge of keeping pace...

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Great Learning Design Leads to Great Performance on the Job

Last week, I attended an intriguing conference at Bloomsburg University in Pennsylvania sponsored by the...

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Align Subject Matter Experts with Business Needs for Better Learning

This blog has previously covered the importance of aligning learning with the needs of the...

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