Microlearning Is the (Not So) New Buzzword

According to a recent article in TD magazine, microlearning is defined as training that is delivered in a bite-sized format that puts individuals in control of what they’re learning. Not exactly revolutionary, of course, as companies over the past few years have come to recognize the value of presenting training in shorter formats, that employees […]
Don’t Write off Instructor-Led Training Just Yet

With thousands of courses and learning opportunities, we still need competent teachers. With the explosion of online courses, tutorials, and other self-directed learning materials, the L&D leader may think that instructor-led training (ILT) is all but dead. But don’t count on that just yet. According to The Future of Corporate Learning: Ten Disruptive Trends, a […]
Gamification is Dead. Long Live Gamification.

Gamification is the concept of adding a system of ranks, rewards, titles, points, stickers, or badges to an individual’s social profile in the hopes of sparking pride as well as a competitive spirit. Gamification systems usually allow for the creation of requisites and accomplishments that need to be completed before digital goodies can be awarded. […]
“I recorded a video. It’s on SharePoint. Are we done?”

In the rush to train team members on new processes, many department heads or managers decide to take training into their own hands. With the ubiquity of smartphone cameras, editing software, and cloud storage options, many people opt to circumvent formal training designed by L&D and simply build their own ‘training’ for their employees or […]
How Learning Initiatives Lower Recruiting Costs

Yet another reason to initiate a culture of workplace learning: recruiting costs will be lowered, perhaps dramatically. Companies pay for recruitment advertising — and commissions to inside or outside recruiters — to fill vacancies. Recruiting takes place in the open-job market because employees with specific skills are not available in a current employee population. It […]
L&D Needs to Transform Itself First Before Transforming Others

According to Deloitte, less than 6 percent of L&D leaders believe that their teams have the necessary capabilities to provide mobile learning or to use MOOCs, simulations, audio, or video effectively. More encouragingly — though still surprisingly low — 38 percent of L&D professionals think that their organizations are ready for the learners of the […]
Surprise! Millennials Are Not Lazy

‘Millennials are not lazy,’ writes TalentCulture Founder and CEO Meghan Biro in a recent article in Entrepreneur magazine. Biro goes on to explain that millennials seek fulfilling work, with an employer and in an environment which does not have them compromise their work. And with millennials now the largest generation in the workplace, it behooves […]
Why Learning Initiatives Drive Employer Branding

According to Harvard Business Review, the term employer brand has been around since the mid-1990s. Employer brand denotes an organization’s reputation as an employer, as opposed to its more general corporate brand reputation. As the competition for talent has grown more intense, corporations have begun to apply the same focus and consistency to their employer […]
Building a Culture of Curiosity

Learning programs only succeed when everyone buys in. Naysayers — perhaps a senior finance person or an employee with a bad attitude — can stymie such programs and need to be dealt with — the sooner the better. A new Vice President, Learning Management System, or corporate subscription to an online university will not instantaneously […]
Dealing with WIIFM

Getting employees to embrace training can be as fun as herding cats. Adult learners often ask, ‘Why do I have to do this?’ or more likely, ‘What’s in it for me?’ This last question, abbreviated to WIIFM, is something learning leaders deal with quite frequently. Employees are resistant to participating in an exercise which they […]