“I recorded a video. It’s on SharePoint. Are we done?”

In the rush to train team members on new processes, many department heads or managers decide to take training into their own hands.

With the ubiquity of smartphone cameras, editing software, and cloud storage options, many people opt to circumvent formal training designed by L&D and simply build their own ‘training’ for their employees or coworkers.

They can record themselves on video, explaining how to carry out a particular procedure, or perhaps use screen capture software to create a screencast, demonstrating how to use a particular software program. The manager can then upload the video or screencast to Dropbox or SharePoint and then send links to employees.

Training problem solved! Much more informal than something from the L&D department, but gosh, that was so much easier — and cheaper — right?

While there is nothing inherently wrong with creating content on the fly, recording a video or screencast and then sharing a link with coworkers does not constitute ‘training,’ for several reasons:

  1. While the video or screencast may fix an immediate issue, it often fails to address the business logic and the ‘bigger picture.’ For example, the video or screencast may not explain why a certain procedure or process is carried out, and how employees can address similar but different issues moving forward. Further, there is no guarantee that the quick learning is actionable, with the right outcomes to meet the need.
  2. There are usually no assessments or testing included with such informal training. How will you know that your coworkers will actually succeed after they have watched a video?
  3. Posting a video does not connect to on-the-job implementation. Proper training modules demonstrate ROI by mapping learning to tasks that are actually carried out with coworkers and clients.

However, credit should be given to managers and employees who decide to create these off-the-cuff training videos: they see a need and decide to do something about it. They show concern and take initiative.

Although such employees may seem to be working against the mission of the L&D department, learning leaders do concede that individual departments continue to commit such ‘acts of civil disobedience’ and that’s OK — for now. Learning leaders can encourage such teams who create their own training content and take it to the next level.

 Cognota® fits in squarely with the need to create training by experts who need to share valuable insights with team members. Beyond simply capturing video, entire courses can be created, via a combination of professional instructional design and automation tools, and then implemented with assessments and analytics.

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“I recorded a video. It’s on SharePoint. Are we done?”