Webinar Recording: 5 Essential Strategies for Effective Course Design

effective course design

In partnership with eLearning Brothers Learning and development plays a critical role in driving business performance across the organization. For L&D professionals who are charged with delivering the goods, the pressure is on to build effective courses that drive business performance. Watch Bill Milstid, Senior Designer at eLearning Brothers, and Kristy Sadler, CMO at Cognota, […]

Webinar Recording: Design Thinking & Learning Advancements

what is instructional design

Access this recording of our live webinar created in partnership with IACET and Instructional Design Central featuring some of the industry’s most influential leaders in technology and instructional design. Topics: Design Thinking & Learning Advancements The Art of Using Learning Science to Improve Performance Adaptive Learning for Better Outcomes Speakers: Ryan Austin, CEO at Cognota […]

Webinar Recording: Why Collaboration is the Key to Scaling Effective Training


All the moving parts of a corporate training project can affect your outcomes greatly if you don’t have an effective way to leverage collaboration. In this webinar you’ll learn: View the webinar to learn about: The fundamental stats around collaboration and why it’s important The critical dangers you need to avoid Getting started: creating a […]