Case Study: Americo Leverages Cognota to Onboard 88 New Employees 100% Virtually
Maddy Poletis Talent Development Specialist Like many organizations, onboarding training development and deployment at insurance company Americo was in need of some updating. Processes were time consuming and inefficient, but the main cause for concern for talent development specialist, Maddy Poletis, was that the end result was not conducive to an optimal user experience for […]
A Visual Guide to Training Request Prioritization
Training teams are facing a lot of challenges when it comes to prioritizing training requests. Training intake processes can be ad-hoc and outdated, and that means little to no data or insights for corporate training teams to understand the patterns of demand in their organizations. Building an effective training intake process means taking control from […]
Free eBook: Managing Training Intake for Strategic Success
L&D teams are receiving higher budgets and increased executive support. It’s great news for L&D, but it also comes with higher expectations. That’s why it’s imperative that your learning programs deliver results that align with corporate goals. The process for training intake has a significant role to play in delivering on those expectations, but L&D […]
Interactive Corporate Training Savings Calculator
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