We’ve rolled out a new version with exciting changes, features, and improvements!
Here’s what’s new:
Training activity tracking with xAPI
We have added the ability to track your training by using the xAPI integration in your LMS or LRS!
We capture starting and completion data for Cognota courses and securely communicate this information with your existing platform using xAPI’s simple vocabulary.

To enable xAPI tracking for your organization, contact us by clicking on the blue support icon in the lower right corner of our website or emailing us at: enterprise@cognota.flywheelsites.com
- Resolved issue where some users were not receiving task assignment notifications.
- Removed the display of empty assessments in course preview.
- Improved asset type selection dialog.
- Corrected email link for new project collaboration invitations to existing users.
We’re always listening — please feel free to reach out to us with any recommendations, feedback, and suggestions.