eLearning Strategy 101: How to Make Yours a Success

Employees need to learn—how to use a new Javascript framework, how to process a customer insurance claim, how to write a press release. And with the ready availability of ways to learn, from colleagues recording a Loom video to the employee reaching into their own pocket to spend $20 on an Udemy course, there’s no […]
5 Steps to Creating a Realistic eLearning Project Timeline

eLearning projects can be a challenge to complete. While the kickoff might be exciting, a project can easily go off the rails, leading to missed deadlines, confusion among team members, and learners who are stuck with a course that doesn’t resonate with them. Most people think that the creation of a timeline merely benefits the […]
The Pros and Cons of Off the Shelf Learning

Sometimes you just can’t do it all. So when internal course design isn’t the answer to training requests, how else can the training team help out? The answer of course is to offer ready-made, off the shelf learning developed by third-party education providers. These courses are generally available as a service: the learner simply logs in […]
What Is Distance Learning?

Distance learning, or eLearning, is a formalized instructional system designed to be carried out remotely by using digital communications. Distance learning is less expensive to support and is not constrained by geography. Indeed, instructors, facilitators, and learners can be located anywhere and can engage in distance learning as long as they have an Internet connection. […]
What is Storyboarding in eLearning?
The storyboarding technique is used across lots of different types of production, particularly in creative industries with design and video elements. The idea behind a storyboard is to create a highly detailed plan, vision, or story about what you are trying to create. That could be a film, video, or animation. In this case, it’s […]
How to Keep Employees Engaged With Distance Learning

Now that corporate training departments have had to make some quick changes and decisions regarding their training programs, employees are also having to adapt to new ways of learning. Distance learning presents a few challenges. One of the most common is keeping learners engaged with the training, particularly for remote instructor-led sessions. But whether you’re […]
What Is Gamification?

Gamification is the use of game thinking and game mechanics, often in non-game contexts, to engage users in solving problems. It’s essentially the concept of applying game-design thinking to non-game applications. Game elements can include rounds, stages or levels, simulations, the collection of items of value, the gaining of points, winning or losing, or a […]
The 10 Best eLearning Conferences for L&D Leaders

As learning and development leaders, you know that a core part of staying on your game is practicing what you preach and taking the time to learn and develop in your role, and that includes attending the best elearning conferences around. And because they provide such excellent opportunities to learn, it’s no surprise that conferences, events, and […]
What Is eLearning?

Elearning is the delivery of training or education through digital methods. Both the content and delivery are digital, generally accessed via devices or platforms of the learner’s choosing. With today’s global and remote workforces, elearning is often the only training option available, as instructor-led training can be costly and inconvenient. The flexibility and accessibility of […]
What is Microlearning?

Although there is no set definition for microlearning, there are a few universally accepted characteristics that constitute a “microlearning” training module. ATD defines microlearning as small content snippets between 2-10 minutes in length centered on one learning objective. It’s a concept that is often associated purely with video, but any written, visual, or multimedia content […]