LearnOps Leadership Series

Episode 19:
Kirk Werner

In this episode, Ryan is joined by Kirk Werner, VP of Content at Udacity to discuss efficient use and maximization of learning content, optimizing learning and development org structures, effective business partnerships, and much more.

Key Take Aways from this Episode

Content Benchmarks & KPIs

Content reach is no longer enough—curation and quality has become the name of the game. How is your content attached to other content? How are you validating that this is the best way of conveying information, learning, skills and performance?

De-Centralize Your L&D Team

Overly centralized L&D teams miss opportunities to maximize the impact of training because they will naturally find it more challenging to discover if cross-functional training can find other audiences throughout the organization. A hybrid approach helps to ensure training efforts are not duplicated and existing content is maximized.  

L&D Pros are Learning SMEs

Expectations are growing for learning professionals to expand their skill sets, especially into digital design, data analytics and technology. But there comes a time when it’s more efficient and beneficial to the quality of the end product to accept that outside expertise is needed to create the best learning experience possible.

Watch more episodes

dawn stopha

Episode 17: Dawn Stopha

In this episode, Ryan is joined by Dawn Stopha, Director of L&D at Fanatics, to discuss how learning professionals can manage the many different hats they now have to wear.

chrissie leibman learnops leadership

Episode 18: Chrissie Leibman

Chrissie Leibman, Senior Vice President of Learning and Development for TAG – The Aspen Group, is a big believer in blending the core, constant purpose of L&D with a future-focused mindset and best practices. Listen to the full episode to hear her thoughts on the future of L&D in full.

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