Three Task Bundle Ideas For Your Team

We’ve been hearing a lot of creative ways that teams have been using the new Task Bundles feature and last month we even covered why using task bundles is important for your team

Here we wanted to share three ideas for different task bundles you could set up and the task titles and descriptions for each. You can simply take these, maybe make a few edits relevant to your team and add them by following these steps

Instructional design projects typically involve several tasks that need to be completed to create effective and engaging learning materials. These tasks can vary depending on the scope and complexity of the project, but here is a general list of tasks that might be included in a content development project in L&D:

Task TitleDescription
Needs Analysis
Conduct a training needs assessment to identify gaps in employee skills and knowledge. Define training objectives and goals based on the needs assessment. Identify the target audience for the training.
Curriculum Development
Design a training curriculum that outlines the topics, modules, and learning objectives. Develop training materials, including presentations, handouts, and e-learning content. Create interactive exercises and activities to engage participants.
Training Content Creation
Write and compile training manuals, guides, and reference materials. Produce multimedia content such as videos, infographics, and animations. Develop e-learning modules or courses if applicable.
Instructor PreparationSelect and train instructors or facilitators. Provide instructors with training materials and resources. Develop a trainer guide to ensure consistency in delivery.

Training Delivery

Schedule and conduct training sessions in-person, virtually, or through a blended approach. Manage logistics, including setting up training rooms or virtual platforms. Monitor participant attendance and engagement. Evaluation and Assessment: Implement pre- and post-training assessments to measure knowledge gain. Collect feedback from participants through surveys and evaluations. Analyze assessment data to assess the effectiveness of the training.
Feedback Analysis
Review feedback and adjust training materials and delivery methods as needed. Identify areas of improvement and make necessary modifications. Continuously improve the training program based on feedback.
Compliance and Certification

Ensure that training complies with relevant regulations or industry standards. Issue certificates or badges to participants who successfully complete the training. Technology and LMS Management: Set up and maintain a Learning Management System (LMS) for online training. Provide technical support for participants encountering issues with the LMS. Track and report on training progress and completion.
Budget and Resource Management

Manage the budget for the training project, including expenses for materials, instructors, and technology. Allocate resources efficiently to ensure the project stays within budget. Communication and Marketing: Promote the training program to employees. Communicate training details, schedules, and expectations to participants. Create marketing materials if necessary to generate interest.
Reporting and DocumentationMaintain records of training attendance and completion. Prepare progress reports for management and stakeholders. Document the training program for future reference.
Post-Training Support
Provide ongoing support and resources to participants after training. Offer refresher courses or additional learning opportunities. Monitor and assess the long-term impact of the training on employee performance.
Project Evaluation and ClosureEvaluate the overall success of the training project against the initial objectives. Close out the project, archive documentation, and conduct a post-project review.

A content update project focuses on refreshing or revising existing training materials to ensure they remain current, relevant, and effective. This might be triggered by a newly received training request, or a content review calendar. The tasks involved in such a project may include:

Task TitleDescription
Needs Assessment
Review the existing training content to identify areas in need of updates.Analyze changes in regulations, technology, or industry standards that may affect the training.
Content Audit
Assess the current content’s accuracy, completeness, and relevance.Identify outdated or obsolete information that needs to be replaced.
Learning Objectives Review
Evaluate the existing learning objectives to ensure they align with current goals and objectives.Revise learning objectives if necessary to reflect any changes in the training’s focus.
Content Review and Revisions
Rewrite or update text, graphics, and multimedia elements to reflect the latest information and best practices.Ensure that examples, case studies, and scenarios are current and relevant.
Legal and Compliance Review
Ensure that the content complies with the latest legal and regulatory requirements.Review any intellectual property or copyright issues related to the content.
Quality Assurance
Conduct a thorough review and testing of the updated content for accuracy and functionality.Fix any broken links, formatting issues, or technical problems.
Version Control and TrackingImplement a version control system to keep track of revisions.Document changes and update dates to maintain an accurate version history.
Review and ApprovalSubmit the updated content for review and approval by relevant stakeholders, including subject matter experts and compliance officers.
Update the learning management system (LMS) or content delivery platform with the revised content.Communicate the availability of the updated training to learners.
Ongoing MaintenanceDevelop a plan for regular content updates and maintenance to ensure that materials stay current and relevant.

Effective training delivery involves the ability to engage and instruct learners whether in person or remotely. This requires advanced planning and preparation. This task bundle provides an easy framework for some of the key items that need to be completed. 

Task TitleDescription
Session Planning
Determine the training schedule, including session duration and frequency.Create a detailed session plan or agenda outlining what will be covered in each session.
Secure FacilitatorsEnsure that you have the capacity to staff the session and schedule the date with the facilitator. 
Materials Preparation
Ensure all training materials, such as presentations, handouts, or eLearning modules, are ready and accessible.Test any technology or audiovisual equipment that will be used.
Learner EnrollmentEnsure that all learners have been enrolled in the session whether in-person or virtual. 
Venue and Technology BookingEnsure that you have the space and resources available to facilitate the session.
Content DeliverySession is delivered to learners.
Feedback Collection
Gather feedback from participants during the training to address questions, concerns, or misconceptions.Use polls, surveys, or verbal feedback to assess learner comprehension.
Assessment and Evaluation
Administer quizzes, tests, or assessments to measure learner progress and knowledge.Evaluate the effectiveness of the training content and delivery methods.
Feedback Analysis and Continuous ImprovementAnalyze feedback and data to identify areas for improvement in future training sessions.Adjust content and delivery methods based on learner feedback and evaluation results.

These are a couple of ideas to help you and your team start thinking about how to use the Task Bundle feature. We’d love to hear how you use it in practice – share your ideas with other users at

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Three Task Bundle Ideas For Your Team