Training and Development Quotes to Motivate Your L&D Team

Since it’s the beginning of a new year, it’s time to stoke the flames of inspiration in your training team. From philosophers and great thinkers to today’s leading eLearning experts, we’ve rounded up some motivational training and development quotes to get your team fired up. Some of these quotes will inspire you to think differently […]
Cognota 2020: A Year in Review

Even though we’re all glad to be saying goodbye to 2020, it wasn’t all bad. In fact, when we take the time to look back, despite all the “downs” that have happened this year, we were lucky enough to experience a whole lot of “ups”, too! 2020 was a year of milestones and celebration for […]
International Music Day 2020: Check Out The Cognota Playlist

Today is International Music Day! Since we’re missing our shared music experience in the office, we decided to put together a playlist that we could all listen to together remotely. So here is the Cognota playlist! Did any of your favourites make the cut? The Cognota Playlist Mojito – Jay Chou Never Seen the Rain […]
National Coffee Day: Is Your Training Program a Pumpkin Spice Latte or a Flat White?

Now that summer is firmly behind us, the leaves are starting to turn and the days of pumpkin spice lattes have rolled around once again. What a perfect time to celebrate National Coffee Day! We love our coffee here at Cognota, but we all have our own tastes. Some of us like drinks that barely […]
International Dog Day: Meet the Dogs of Cognota!

Today is International Dog Day! via GIPHY We’re big fans of furry friends here at Cognota, and doggos have a special place in our hearts. So, we thought we’d celebrate by introducing you to the dogs of Cognota! Meet Junior Junior lives with our founder and CEO, Ryan, in Toronto. Before we started working from […]
To Camp We Go: Cognota Attends First Annual Ripple Retreat

“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.” -Albert Einstein We’re back in the office today after an exciting weekend at the first annual Ripple Retreat! Organized by Ripple Ventures, the retreat was planned to encourage team building, provide a camp experience, and allow all the start-ups in the Ripple portfolio to get to know […]