Building Better Partnerships at Cognota
Creating a great partnership program takes a little more than first meets the eye. It involves nurturing trust and fostering a symbiotic relationship. In many ways, it mirrors the dynamics of a personal relationship—where trust and reliability is crucial. Picture this: You loan your favorite sweater to someone, believing in their commitment to return it […]
3 Ways to Use Tasking in Cognota
When working with new Cognota customers, one question that frequently comes up is how they should best utilize Projects, Programs and Tasks. This month we released a new feature that gives you the ability to better see all of the tasks assigned to you and your team, so we thought it was a good time […]
Boosting Productivity with Project Templates
Are you trying to get the most out of your L&D projects? If so, then Cognota’s Project Template feature is here to help. This feature allows you to easily create and organize projects with templates, which in turn will improve efficiency and effectiveness within your team. In this blog, we’ll discuss what Cognota’s Project Template […]
Out of Office? Three Ways to Prepare for Summer Holidays in Cognota
With summer holidays kicking off, we wanted to share some helpful ways you can help prepare your team for some well deserved time out of the office while ensuring that your requests and projects stay on track. With many of your team members likely taking time off over the next few months, it’s important to […]
Maximizing your Programs, Projects, and Tasks for Optimal Business Outcomes
In the realm of L&D, organizations frequently encounter requests to develop various initiatives aimed at enhancing employee skills and knowledge. However, it is crucial for L&D teams to differentiate between programs, projects, and tasks to ensure effective resource allocation, streamlined workflows, and successful outcomes. This article explores the distinctions between these three categories and highlights […]
3 Tips for Maximizing Your Use of Program Management in Cognota
Last week Cognota released our new Program Management feature, making it easier for you to associate different projects with broader initiatives, themes and objectives. Based on Customer feedback, we launched this feature to help centralize those projects and better see their progress and key details. We wanted to share some tips and considerations for how […]
Leveraging Cognota for Effective L&D Resource Planning and Management
The concept of learning and development has become increasingly important in today’s workplace. However, allocating resources such as time, money and personnel to effectively plan and manage L&D activities can be a daunting task. Fortunately, with the help of Cognota, leveraging the power of data analysis and insights for effective L&D resource planning and management […]
3 Reasons To Create Different Request Forms
Last month, our team shared some benefits of segmenting your Training Intake Form and we got a lot of good feedback on the topic. This month, we want to share three practical reasons why you’d need to leverage multiple request forms. When working with our customers, we often get asked how many request forms is […]
Response Ratio: An Indicator of Success for your L&D Team
Our Customer Success team shares insights on how keeping track and staying on top of your response ratio when actioning intake requests can create business impact. An effective L&D team is crucial for the success of a business, and there are several benefits of having a dedicated L&D team in your organization from improved employee […]
The Request:Project Ratio
Our Customer Success team explores the question “does every project start as a request?” and provides some practical frameworks you can use when exploring your approach to this. One of the most common questions we get from customers is “does every project start as a request?” Answering this question depends on a number of factors […]