9 Learning and Development Trends That Really Matter for 2024

trends in L&D

Skim articles about L&D trends for 2024, and you’ll see several recurring themes, many of which appeared in L&D trends for 2023 articles as well. Prominent among them are AI, leadership development, soft skills, personalized training, and learning analytics. Industry leaders generally agree on many of the key issues affecting L&D. And, they agree that […]

How to Shape an Impactful Corporate Learning Strategy

corporate learning program and strategy

By definition, something that’s “impactful” makes a mark on people. It may change their minds about something or cause them to act differently than they had. How can you shape an impactful corporate learning strategy? And, more importantly, why does your company need to do so? Read on for those answers, as well as other […]

How to Use SMART Goals for Training and Development

learning and development smart goals

Setting goals for yourself and your team is one of the most important steps to establishing a successful training and development program. However, setting goals that are realistic enough to be reachable but challenging enough to encourage all team members to grow and excel, is not easy.  To establish helpful goals, your L&D team will […]

How to Create L&D Objectives and Align Them With the Business

objectives for L&D teams

The always-fluid corporate world has been rocked recently by a worldwide pandemic that spawned the “Great Resignation” and created a shortage of workers in nearly every field. As a result, learning and development has suddenly been thrust onto center stage. It has become obvious that learning and development objectives are key business objectives since: Businesses […]

Powerful Tips & Tactics for Evaluating Training Effectiveness

tips for measuring training effectiveness

Training effectiveness is defined by AIHR as, “The impact of training on the trainee’s knowledge, skills, performance, and the company’s ROI.”  It’s the overall goal of any training program. Training effort, budget, and time are wasted if your training doesn’t improve learners’ knowledge, skills and performance so that ROI is boosted.  To assess your training […]

How to Choose the Best Training Planning Tools

training planning tools

Planning and scheduling training courses requires a balance between the big picture that considers corporate objectives and the close-up snapshot that manages the details of who, what, when, where and how.  Current best practices encourage a funnel approach to planning that starts broad and then narrows as you learn where the skill and knowledge gaps […]

Learning and Development Analytics: For Beginners to Experts

learning and development data and analytics

Data is to a technology-driven society what dust is to the air. It’s ubiquitous. It’s huge beyond comprehension–and constantly changing.  In order to manage the overwhelming amount of data generated every minute, the science of data analytics was born. In general, data analytics is the qualitative and quantitative process of clarifying data sets in order […]

12 Needs Assessment Tools & Techniques to Support Them

tools for needs analysis

Learning and development professionals use tools and techniques to help them identify the skill and knowledge gaps in their organizations. Many training needs assessment techniques still rely on tried-and-true methods such as questionnaires, focus groups, job mapping and interviews.  However, increasing numbers of needs assessment tools for corporate training are now based on technology that […]

Learning Measurement: An Asset or a Liability for L&D?

learning and development measurement methods

Learning measurement is a bit like flossing your teeth. Almost everyone–including executives, L&D team members, and other stakeholders–agrees it’s a good idea, but very few L&D teams do it consistently well. As a result, learning effectiveness measurement has often been viewed as a liability–the missing link in otherwise effective training initiatives. Learning designers worked hard […]

How to Conduct an Optimal Training Needs Analysis

training needs analysis guide

Think about it. In almost any situation, analyzing where you are, where you want to be, and how you plan to bridge that gap is a good thing. For example, if your short cut to avoid heavy traffic leaves you on a back road no GPS recognizes, then taking stock of the situation helps more […]

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trends in L&D


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