What is Storyboarding in eLearning?

The storyboarding technique is used across lots of different types of production, particularly in creative industries with design and video elements. The idea behind a storyboard is to create a highly detailed plan, vision, or story about what you are trying to create. That could be a film, video, or animation. In this case, it’s […]

Celebrating International Women’s Day 2021 at Cognota

For over 100 years, the world has been celebrating International Women’s Day to commemorate the struggles of women in the past, spark conversation about challenges we still currently face, and identify opportunities for change and improvement for women all over the world.  The women of Cognota decided to commemorate International Women’s Day 2021 by discussing […]

Best eLearning Project Management Tools to Try in 2021

Managing or participating in an eLearning development project can be full of potential pitfalls and challenges. Going beyond instructional design processes and authoring tools, there are lots of areas of eLearning development that need a helping hand from technology. When there are so many moving parts to keep track of, even learning and development projects […]

Black History Month: The Journey to VP, Engineering in the Tech Industry

lumi adewumi

In honour of Black History Month, we sat down with Lumi, our VP, Engineering here at Cognota to hear about how he has navigated the tech industry and how his success has driven him to give back.  From his family roots in computer science, to getting his first start in the industry, Lumi’s journey through […]

Practical Tips for Digital Transformation Planning for L&D

digital transformation planning

As the speed of business continues to pick up and global events keep proving how vital an agile business model is to success, organizational leaders are starting to place increasing emphasis on the achievement of digital transformation. For L&D, the trend of digital transformation is more significant than ever. Corporate learning teams are far more […]

Black History Month: How Tech Companies Are Honouring BHM

black history month in tech

Although lockdowns due to the ongoing pandemic have put a hold on many in-person events, tech companies around the world are finding new and innovative ways to celebrate Black History Month online in 2021.  Here at Cognota, we’ve been (virtually) celebrating Black History Month by sharing facts, stories and additional resources that honour and celebrate […]

8 Tips for Getting Started with Digital Transformation in L&D

digital transformation

Digital transformation has become one of the most urgent and critical business strategies for organizations big and small across all industries. But only 21% of North American and European businesses say that their digital transformation is “done.” Learning and development plays a critical role in supporting digital transformation across the organization. But what about the […]

How to Develop Your Training Project Timeline

project timeline

Training development projects are filled with potential challenges and roadblocks. Even a simple project involving a small update to an existing course can involve multiple stakeholders and a complex approval process. Sticking to deadlines and budgets can be difficult, but establishing a realistic and effective project timeline goes a long way towards successfully completing your […]

Digital Transformation in L&D: Measuring Your Progress

digital transformation in learning and development

The digital transformation of learning and development has been a topic of discussion in the industry for a while now. Many L&D teams have already begun their digital transformation journey, but are challenged with creating a formal structure around planning and implementation.  That’s because, firstly, digital transformation is about more than just new technology implementation. […]

6 Benefits of Conducting Training Project Retrospectives

project retrospectives

If you’ve ever been part of a training project that has gone slightly awry, missed a deadline, or gone over budget, you know how frustrating it can be to watch the same issues rear their heads in subsequent projects. So, how can you and your training team learn from past mistakes and make improvements going […]