How To Measure the Business Impact of L&D

business impact of training

There’s certainly no shortage of metrics L&D can use to measure training programs. From the number of hours employees spend completing a course to assessment scores, numbers abound and can be tracked accordingly. While such metrics as course completion rates and pass/fail rates are certainly valuable, learning leaders are increasingly searching for ways to measure […]

What Is a Learning Organization?


A learning organization is one in which all employees are encouraged to explore new ideas and consider new ways to address the problems at hand. Learning new skills and knowledge is encouraged in a learning organization, and with everyone focused on both individual and group betterment, the organization is able to pursue innovation, enter new […]

What L&D Teams in the Insurance Industry Need to Know About Upskilling and Reskilling

upskilling and reskilling in the insurance industry

Skills are becoming redundant more quickly than ever before, but 2020 saw job requirements shift and the need to train employees on new processes and skills massively accelerated. As businesses continue to adapt, so will the demand for new skills. It’s no surprise that LinkedIn Learning’s 2020 Workplace Learning Report—published in February 2020 just before […]

Spot the Difference: Agile Project Management for eLearning Vs. Software Development

agile project management for elearning

Keeping pace with organizational change and the constant demand for effective training is a core concern for L&D. Indeed, Agile Learning, along with the associated project management features, can help to overcome these challenges based on one key attribute: collaboration. Agile methodologies support evaluation at each iteration. Evaluation forces teams to collaborate, and such collaboration invariably […]

5 Steps to Creating a Realistic eLearning Project Timeline

Agile Learning Champion

eLearning projects can be a challenge to complete. While the kickoff might be exciting, a project can easily go off the rails, leading to missed deadlines, confusion among team members, and learners who are stuck with a course that doesn’t resonate with them. Most people think that the creation of a timeline merely benefits the […]

8 Tips for Creating Learner Personas That Supercharge Your L&D Efforts

learner persona tips

The ability to climb inside the minds of learners to truly understand how they learn can help learning leaders design courses that deliver substantial ROI. As there is no one-size-fits-all course, there is similarly no one-size-fits-all way to learn. Creating learner personas has been gaining traction in the last few years as a way to […]

What is Leadership Development and What is L&D’s Role?

manager working from home

In an age of robots, machine learning, and automation, do we need leaders anymore? Indeed, we do. Strong leadership, creative problem solving, and communication skills are always in demand. According to LinkedIn Learning’s 2020 Workplace Learning Report, 57% of L&D professionals are focused on developing leadership and management skills. Over half of the executives surveyed for […]

What is a Learner Persona?


Instructional designers, and by extension the organizations in which they work, want learning experiences to truly resonate with employees. Yet, oftentimes, courses fall short. Despite beautiful design work, providing support for the most in-demand industry skills as requested by the same learners, courses often just don’t accomplish what they set out to achieve. Of course, […]

Conducting an L&D Audit: Getting Started


Sometimes it’s a good idea to take stock of your learning and development efforts. While many organizations might have an attitude along the lines of “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” the ability to understand the efficacy of your training programs on a deeper level using a learning and development audit should be a […]

The Pros and Cons of Off the Shelf Learning


Sometimes you just can’t do it all. So when internal course design isn’t the answer to training requests, how else can the training team help out? The answer of course is to offer ready-made, off the shelf learning developed by third-party education providers. These courses are generally available as a service: the learner simply logs in […]