LearnOps Maturity Assessment

Identify gaps in your L&D team with Cognota’s LearnOps Maturity Assessment.


The Benefits of LearnOps

L&D professionals understand the significant business benefits of a well-managed L&D function, but this value has not always been recognized by business executives. This perspective is changing as learning leaders use meaningful metrics to demonstrate L&D’s true business value. With increased understanding comes greater scrutiny on L&D efficiency. Many L&D groups have not undergone the same level of operational transformation as other business units and are not operating at full potential.

Cognota’s LearnOps Framework and Maturity Assessment help evaluate all elements of your L&D organization, identifying gaps between the current and desired future states.

  • Align
  • Plan
  • Execute
  • Measure
  • Optimize
  • Summary

Move the slider up/down found on the left of each attribute to indicate your current maturity level.
0% is least mature and 100% is most mature.

  • L&D Strategy

    Click to expand/collapse

    Alignment with Corporate Vision and Goals

    • No clear alignment.
    • Some alignment, not consistent.
    • Clear alignment, measurable outcomes.
    • Full alignment, strategic integration.


    Investment Decision Process

    • No formal process.
    • Informal decision-making.
    • Formal processes, not always applied.
    • Rigorous, data-driven decisions.

  • Operating Model

    Click to expand/collapse

    Operational Model Definition

    • Undefined or inconsistent model.
    • Centralized/decentralized, not optimized.
    • Optimized for current needs.
    • Continuously optimized, adaptable.


    Collaboration Effectiveness

    • Minimal collaboration.
    • Some collaboration, with silos.
    • Regular collaboration, defined processes.
    • Seamless, integrated collaboration.

  • Business Partnerships

    Click to expand/collapse

    Stakeholder Request Management

    • No formal intake process.
    • Informal handling.
    • Defined intake, prioritization process.
    • Proactive consulting, strategic prioritization.


    Stakeholder Engagement Measurement

    • Not measured.
    • Informal feedback.
    • Regular feedback, satisfaction surveys.
    • Continuous improvement based on feedback.

  • Learning Programs

    Click to expand/collapse

    Objective and Evaluation Design

    • No formal design process.
    • Basic objectives, limited evaluation.
    • Well-defined objectives, evaluation plans.
    • Strategic objectives, robust evaluation.


    Collaboration on Learning Solutions

    • Minimal collaboration.
    • Some collaboration, often siloed.
    • Collaborative development, defined roles.
    • Highly collaborative, cross-functional integration.

  • Capacity and Budget

    Click to expand/collapse

    Resource Requirement Determination

    • No formal process.
    • Informal estimation.
    • Defined process for resource planning.
    • Data-driven resource planning.


    L&D Budget Management

    • No budget management.
    • Basic budget tracking.
    • Formal budget management processes.
    • Strategic budget management, continuous optimization.

  • Learning Solutions

    Click to expand/collapse

    Solution Design and Implementation

    • No formal design process.
    • Basic solutions, limited customization.
    • Well-designed solutions, some customization.
    • Innovative, highly customized solutions.


    AI Integration in Learning Solutions

    • Not integrated.
    • Minimal integration.
    • Moderate integration.
    • Fully integrated AI.

  • L&D Projects

    Click to expand/collapse

    Project Progress Tracking

    • No formal tracking.
    • Basic tracking, limited visibility.
    • Regular tracking, defined metrics.
    • Comprehensive tracking, real-time updates.


    Time and Resource Management

    • No formal management.
    • Informal management.
    • Formal management, regular reviews.
    • Strategic management, continuous optimization.

  • Learning Experiences

    Click to expand/collapse

    Management of Learning Experiences

    • No formal management.
    • Basic management, limited customization.
    • Well-managed, some customization.
    • Highly customized, impactful experiences.


    Addressing Learner and Business Needs

    • Not addressed.
    • Basic addressing of needs.
    • Well-defined processes to address needs.
    • Highly responsive, adaptive to changing needs.

  • Evaluation

    Click to expand/collapse

    Effectiveness Measurement of Learning Programs

    • Not measured.
    • Basic measurement.
    • Regular measurement, defined metrics.
    • Comprehensive measurement, continuous improvement.


    Actionable Narratives and Recommendations

    • Not crafted.
    • Basic narratives, limited recommendations.
    • Detailed narratives, actionable recommendations.
    • Strategic narratives, continuous improvement.

  • Impact

    Click to expand/collapse

    Assessment of Business Variable Impact

    • Not assessed.
    • Basic assessment.
    • Regular assessment, defined metrics.
    • Comprehensive assessment, strategic decisions.


    ROI Calculation for Learning Programs

    • Not calculated.
    • Basic calculation.
    • Regular calculation, defined metrics.
    • Comprehensive calculation, driving investments.

  • Benchmarks

    Click to expand/collapse

    Comparison with Industry Best Practices

    • Not compared.
    • Basic comparison.
    • Regular comparison, defined metrics.
    • Continuous benchmarking, strategic improvements.


    Identification and Addressing of Improvement Areas

    • Not identified.
    • Basic identification.
    • Regular identification, defined processes.
    • Continuous identification, strategic improvements.

  • Data and Reporting

    Click to expand/collapse

    Capture and Analysis of Key Metrics

    • Not captured.
    • Basic capture and analysis.
    • Regular capture and analysis, defined processes.
    • Comprehensive capture and analysis, strategic decisions.


    Use of Data for Operations and Decision-Making

    • Not used.
    • Basic use of data.
    • Regular use of data, operational improvement.
    • Strategic use of data, continuous improvement.


Your Maturity Model Score is: Reactive

Click here to fill in your personal information to access your results and learn more about Cognota Assist Program for additional support or schedule a demo today.

Maturity Model Score

"*" indicates required fields

Strategy and Impact
Level 1
  • Order taker mentality
  • Ad hoc intake / processes
  • Spreadsheet overload
  • Lack of resources
  • Reduced visibility
  • Slow time to market
  • Siloed operations
  • No ROI / measurement
Level 2
  • Vision and accountability
  • Defined processes
  • Disparate IT tools
  • Partial alignment to strategy
  • Business partners identified
  • Limited stakeholder visibility
  • Resources adequate
  • Unpredictable time to market
  • Siloed operations
  • Suboptimal ROI / measurement
Level 3
  • Seen as trusted advisor
  • Standardized processes
  • Single source of truth system
  • Aligned to strategy, skill gaps, and business performance
  • Business partner advisor board
  • L&D plans, tracks, and forecasts resources accurately
  • Stakeholder visibility / trust built
  • Efficient speed to market
  • Streamlined operations
  • ROI / measurement / impact best practices implemented
Level 4
  • Seat at table earned
  • Automated processes
  • Integrated system for operations
  • Benchmarks and insights
  • Agile resources and staffing
  • Link investments to programs, projects, and corp. objectives
  • Finance and procurement is an advocate of L&D
  • Full stack visibility
  • Predictable speed to market
  • AI intelligence / reporting to inform quality decision making
  • Scalable operations
  • Integrated ROI / measurement / impact analysis
Efficiency and Effectiveness

LearnOps Maturity Assessment