Toolkit: The Secret Formula for Working with SMEs

Subject matter experts (SMEs) are absolutely essential to the development of effective, in-depth learning experiences. Training teams rely heavily on their input, and with today’s tools and technology, many SMEs are becoming more heavily involved in the course design process with guidance and feedback from the learning pros.

But, like any cross-functional team, working with SMEs comes with its own set of challenges, from managing expectations and meeting deadlines, to maintaining productive working relationships.

In this toolkit, you’ll find everything you need to keep you and your SMEs on track for successful course development, including:

  • Email templates – from project kick-off to deadline reminders
  • Project roadmap to set expectations and provide a clear path
  • Project kick-off checklist and meeting agenda
  • Course template for SMEs to “data dump” their knowledge to L&D
  • Job aids for your SMEs to get to grips with the instructional design basics 
  • Plus, a full guide on how to make the most out of your new toolkit assets
working with SMEs

Download the Toolkit:

working with SMEs

Toolkit: The Secret Formula for Working with SMEs