Free eBook: The Executive’s Guide to LearnOps: Data Capture for Expanding Team Capacity

With demand for training higher than ever and L&D teams dealing with a whole new pace of change, learning leaders need to find ways to increase the capacity of their teams and find more efficient ways to meet organizational objectives.

But short of doubling the size of your team overnight, what can be done to ensure your team is working efficiently and prioritizing the right training?

In this ebook, you’ll learn how capturing data behind your learning operations can empower you to make better decisions and drive productivity in the development and delivery of training.

Specifically, you will learn:

  • The core components of efficient LearnOps
  • The relevance of team structure in speeding up productivity
  • What data to capture and how to use it
  • How to leverage that data to increase team capacity
  • How you learning tech stack can impact capacity and productivity

Download the eBook:

Free eBook: The Executive’s Guide to LearnOps: Data Capture for Expanding Team Capacity