Free eBook: The Beginner’s Guide to Agile Learning
Agile burst onto the software and project management scene some years ago, and now it is making a splash in L&D. Several Agile Learning methodologies have been developed in recent years, but before you go about implementing a new framework, it’s essential to get back to basics and understand the fundamentals.
Without taking the time to get a full grasp of the Agile philosophy, you risk running into all sorts of bottlenecks when implementation time comes around. But you can save yourself a lot of time now by laying a solid foundation of Agile knowledge and developing a clear picture of how your next steps should look.
In this free ebook, you’ll learn:
- The core principles of Agile philosophy
- The fundamental theories of Agile Learning
- How to prepare for selecting an Agile Learning methodology
- Key misconceptions about Agile and why they should be disregarded
- Next steps for Agile Learning implementation

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