Class Is In Session 🎓 3 Takeaways from the LearnOps Academy

Using a Learning Operations platform like Cognota is a great first-step in improving your processes and workflows internally. However, we’ve realized that in this emerging space there is more Cognota could do to provide world-class educational opportunities alongside our platform.

Our first cohort of learners is set to begin the program on September 9th and we wanted to share some of the practical topics they’ll be covering.

We’re excited to have Dr. Martha Soehren as an instructor in the program, speaking on the topics of Align Learning to Corporate Objectives. 

Martha is an Executive Advisor and Coach in Talent Development, Learning, and Learning Operations.  She is the former Chief Talent Development Officer for Comcast Cable where she retired after serving 20 years. With 25 years in the defense industry as a Department of Army Civilian and 13 years as an adjunct professor and academic advisor, Martha holds undergraduate and graduate degrees in business and a Ph.D. in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, specializing in manpower staffing standards and workplace efficiency.

In her topic, Aligning Learning to Corporate Objectives, Martha explores how to:

  • Create a habit to stay on top of the business of your company – and explain why it’s important to better align training to the business.
  • Identify strategic business objectives for your company and describe the difference between an objective and a goal.
  • Frame the business metrics for the training value story that closes the skills and knowledge gaps

Dr. Patti Phillips will introduce learners to the ROI Methodology.

Patti is co-founder and CEO of ROI Institute, Inc. This US-based consulting firm serves for-profit, not-for- profit, government, and non-governmental organizations in 70 countries as they build capability in measurement, evaluation, and human capital analytics. She is an internationally recognized leader in measurement and analytics. Patti routinely speaks at industry conferences worldwide and contributes to the growing research in human capital and analytics. Her work is documented in over 70 books, cited on CNBC, Euronews, and National Geographic, and published in more than a dozen business journals.

In her topic, The ROI Methodology, she will describe how to:

  •  Build measurement and evaluation into learning operations.
  •  Leverage and process and standards to ensure credibility of evaluation output.
  •  Make the ROI Methodology work in your organization.

Dr. Keith Keating will also join the faculty of the program, speaking on Forging Strong Business Alliances.

Dr. Keith Keating is currently the Chief Learning Officer for BDO and Associate Academic Director for the University of Pennsylvania’s CLO doctoral program, dedicating their career to helping organizations harness the power of human potential. 

In the topic, Forging Strong Business Alliances, learners will:

  • Gain a Comprehensive Understanding of the Trusted Learning Advisor Role.
  • Discover actionable insights into the foundational elements of trust, and learn how to apply them effectively to strengthen your professional relationships.
  • Acquire practical strategies and techniques for establishing and maintaining strong, mutually beneficial relationships with stakeholders, ensuring long-term success and influence.

If these topics sound interesting to you, the next cohort of learners starts on January 5. Visit for more details and to reserve your spot. 

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Class Is In Session 🎓 3 Takeaways from the LearnOps Academy