How to Tackle Unconscious Incompetence in the Workforce Through Training Solutions

“We don’t know what we don’t know” or “fake it till you make it” are oft-used phrases to describe knowledge that we might need—but don’t currently have—in order to do our jobs. This phenomenon is also known as unconscious incompetence, and it’s hurting organizations in ways you might not even realize. Not possessing critical knowledge […]
6 Ways to Promote Training Intake and Increase Engagement

You may have already rolled out your training intake system, but is anyone using it? The lack of adoption of your new system is only one sign that it’s not working and is most likely due to awareness. Managers and business partners—those who are in a position to make a request—simply haven’t heard of it […]
Why L&D Needs to Ditch Disparate Tools for Purpose-Built Technology Solutions

For some time now, learning and development has been experiencing a deluge of new technology and tools to enable training teams to make the leap into online learning and digital content creation. Most of the technology available (LMS’s, authoring tools, etc.) focuses on the creation and deployment of learning. L&D have embraced these tools enthusiastically. […]
5 Signs Your Training Intake System Isn’t Working

You and your team worked so hard to roll out a training intake system to streamline and measure the entire scope of requested learning across your organization. But is it working? We’ve compiled 5 signs that can tell you whether your training intake system might not be working as optimally as it can be. Some […]
National Coffee Day: Is Your Training Program a Pumpkin Spice Latte or a Flat White?

Now that summer is firmly behind us, the leaves are starting to turn and the days of pumpkin spice lattes have rolled around once again. What a perfect time to celebrate National Coffee Day! We love our coffee here at Cognota, but we all have our own tastes. Some of us like drinks that barely […]
How to Stick to Instructional Design Principles in Challenging Training Situations

As any instructional designer or learning professional will tell you, instructional design principles are at the heart of all impactful learning experiences. But sticking resolutely to instructional design best practices can sometimes be at odds with organizational needs. In times of great change, the onus is on L&D to pick up speed and meet the […]
What is Learning Agility and How is it Different to Agile Learning?

The need to keep up with increasingly dynamic market forces means organizations must find ways to kickstart a higher pace and keep up with change. That’s why practices such as Agile, a method of working and collaborating that was initially designed for software development, has been seeping into multiple business functions in recent years. Learning […]
How to Handle Training Requests from Executive Management

Whew! You just overhauled your training intake system so that requests can enter your department digitally, in an organized and categorized fashion. You and your team are so proud to have implemented the system. It asks the requester questions, not only about the topics or concepts to be learned in the training but also the […]
Should You Train Contractors? The Challenge of Delivering Training in Today’s Gig Economy

Should you build courses for employees who aren’t really employees? Today’s workplace looks much different than it did just even a few years ago. The growth of the gig economy has given the term “employee” a run for its money. An NPR/Marist poll from January 2018 found that 1 in 5 jobs in America is held by […]
What is Generative Learning?

Generative learning is a theory that suggests that the learning process is based on the memory that is already stored in our brains. As new data is added to our long term memory, it becomes part of our knowledge base. The theory of generative learning is based on the assumption that the human brain does […]