How to Use Microlearning Principles for Rapid Course Design

Microlearning has become a lasting trend in learning and development circles and is being leveraged by an increasing number of corporate training teams. It’s popularity stems from its ability to help L&D overcome many training challenges in today’s digital world and rapidly changing business environment. The design trend also helps corporate training teams to create […]
What is Microlearning?

Although there is no set definition for microlearning, there are a few universally accepted characteristics that constitute a “microlearning” training module. ATD defines microlearning as small content snippets between 2-10 minutes in length centered on one learning objective. It’s a concept that is often associated purely with video, but any written, visual, or multimedia content […]
Microlearning is the focus this week!

In case you didn’t hear, an educational technology company recently registered the generic term “Microlearning” for a trademark. Industry experts were quite surprised by this announcement, as Cognota was too. There hasn’t been this much controversy about a generic phrase since Pat Riley trademarked Three-peat while coaching the Lakers! When people see the Cognota platform, […]
Microlearning Is the (Not So) New Buzzword

According to a recent article in TD magazine, microlearning is defined as training that is delivered in a bite-sized format that puts individuals in control of what they’re learning. Not exactly revolutionary, of course, as companies over the past few years have come to recognize the value of presenting training in shorter formats, that employees […]