With 2023 Underway, LearnOps® Will Play a Larger Role in a Changing Industry

A webinar held recently entitled “2023 L&D Industry Outlook” sought to discuss L&D challenges in a deeper context, as viewed by different stakeholders in the industry. Hosted by Ryan Austin, founder and CEO of Cognota, and moderated by Debbie Richards, Chief Technology Officer of Creative Interactive Ideas, webinar participants also included: Check out the full […]
11 Learning and Development Trends for 2023

With the COVID-19 pandemic in their rearview mirror, organizations face new challenges in today’s market. The rapid development of digitized business processes, which started more than two years ago, is still a stumbling block. This increased pace of change still leaves many employees under-skilled for their roles, continuing the need for organizations to upskill and […]
7 Ways Incorporating Machine Learning Can Improve eLearning

As artificial intelligence and machine learning continue to find innovative ways to improve other industries, the learning and development sector is no exception. Machine learning offers a lot of potential applications and benefits for the online learning space. Its ability to process vast amounts of data and provide valuable insights for enterprise-level companies. Here are […]
13 Learning and Development Statistics You Need to Know in 2021

When it comes to trends in learning, we here at Cognota have our fingers on the pulse. We digest dozens if not hundreds of sources on a regular basis to determine what strategies, resources, time, and budgets learning leaders are committing to the development and delivery of learning experiences for their learners. In doing so, […]
5 Areas You Might Have Missed in Your 2021 L&D Strategy

As the pandemic continues into 2021, and organizations are continuing their march towards increasing online learning and engagement, there are still a few areas that require a deeper look or a more comprehensive perspective when it comes to your 2021 L&D strategy. More than simply launching initiatives and jumpstarting new processes, a robust strategy must […]
6 Learning and Development Trends in 2021: Finding Opportunity in Change

Want to see more up-to-date trends? You might like this post on L&D trends to expect in 2022. If there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s that 2020 didn’t quite turn out the way we expected. While 2020 was the year of massive change and flux, it’s likely that the ripples will be […]
7 Emerging Learning and Development Skills in 2020 and Beyond

Learning and development skills are just like any others across the organization: rapidly changing and evolving all the time. In LinkedIn’s 2020 Workplace Learning Report, 51% of L&D pros said they planned to launch upskilling programs in 2020 while 43% said they planned to launch reskilling programs. This is in line with several other studies […]