Improving L&D Processes for Stronger Engagement and ROI

Business processes mean so many things to so many different people and departments across the organization. Here’s a look at the major learning and development processes, how to structure them, and how they can be leveraged to bring improved engagement for learners in addition to stronger outcomes and ROI. What is learning and development? Learning […]
Instructional Design Storyboarding Software And Tools

Storyboarding organizes images and graphics in order to “pre-visualize” an interactive media sequence. It plans the narrative in pre-production, a blueprint of sorts, so everyone on the team can have a much better idea of how the information will be presented. As it relates to instructional design, storyboarding maps the different elements of a proposed […]
The Ultimate Guide to Instructional Design Models

Instructional design is a term used to describe evidence-based strategies and techniques for developing and delivering learning experiences. A learning experience is a broad term that encompasses anything where learning is involved, including courses, presentations, tests and quizzes, and support materials. Without instructional design models, instructional designers and learning leaders would be flying blind when […]
What is Content Analysis in Instructional Design?

It can be nerve wracking to publish a new eLearning course or launch a new series of instructor-led trainings. How can you be sure your learners will like it? More importantly, how can you be sure they will learn effectively as a result? While there are several tasks that fall under the analysis conducted as […]
How to Stick to Instructional Design Principles in Challenging Training Situations

As any instructional designer or learning professional will tell you, instructional design principles are at the heart of all impactful learning experiences. But sticking resolutely to instructional design best practices can sometimes be at odds with organizational needs. In times of great change, the onus is on L&D to pick up speed and meet the […]
5 Reasons Why Instructional Design Principles Still Matter

Instructional design is the process by which learning experiences are developed and delivered. According to Instructional Design Central, these learning experiences include online courses, instructional manuals, mobile and video tutorials, simulations, and assessments. Indeed, instructional designers are considered the ‘architects’ of the learning experience. However, there is no certainty that instructional design principles are applied […]
What is Design Thinking?

Design thinking is a process that focuses on the user, challenges assumptions, and redefines problems in an attempt to identify alternative strategies and solutions that might not be instantly apparent with an initial level of understanding. It is a way of thinking and working, and a collection of hands-on methods. The Five Phases of Design […]
What is the Magic Triangle: Aligning Learning Objectives, Training Activities and Assessment Methods

The Magic Triangle represents the relationship between Learning Objectives, Learning Activities, and Learning Assessment. If these three components are built with the intention of interdependence, then instructional design and learning are greatly enhanced and superior outcomes are achieved. If one or more of these three components is not optimal, then learners become discouraged, confused, bored, […]
What is a Learning Design System?

A Learning Design System (LDS) is a platform that automates and streamlines the instructional design process. Best practices in adult learning theory are baked into the system to empower training departments to create high-quality training in a scalable way. By focusing on the front-end of training program development, which includes items such as goal and […]
What is xAPI?

The Experience API (or xAPI), in general terms, is a specification for learning technology that makes it possible to collect data about the wide range of experiences a person has both online and offline. According to, this API, or application programming interface, is a protocol that captures data in a consistent format about a […]