Black History Month: How Tech Companies Are Honouring BHM

Although lockdowns due to the ongoing pandemic have put a hold on many in-person events, tech companies around the world are finding new and innovative ways to celebrate Black History Month online in 2021. Here at Cognota, we’ve been (virtually) celebrating Black History Month by sharing facts, stories and additional resources that honour and celebrate […]
Can You Teach Employees to Think Critically?

In an ever-changing, ever more complex workplace, people need to be dynamic — adjusting procedures, chasing new opportunities, or finding solutions — often on a daily basis. As such, one of the most important skillsets employees need on the job today is the ability to see a problem before it’s even on the horizon, and to […]
People Still Want to Learn from Others

We all love our devices and the always on nature of the Internet and apps, but experts agree: we need social interaction when we need to learn. A recent interview with L&D experts, published in Chief Learning Officer magazine, found that employees prefer to learn by observing, reaching out, and interacting with others. “That social […]
Microlearning Is the (Not So) New Buzzword

According to a recent article in TD magazine, microlearning is defined as training that is delivered in a bite-sized format that puts individuals in control of what they’re learning. Not exactly revolutionary, of course, as companies over the past few years have come to recognize the value of presenting training in shorter formats, that employees […]
L&D Needs to Transform Itself First Before Transforming Others

According to Deloitte, less than 6 percent of L&D leaders believe that their teams have the necessary capabilities to provide mobile learning or to use MOOCs, simulations, audio, or video effectively. More encouragingly — though still surprisingly low — 38 percent of L&D professionals think that their organizations are ready for the learners of the […]
Surprise! Millennials Are Not Lazy

‘Millennials are not lazy,’ writes TalentCulture Founder and CEO Meghan Biro in a recent article in Entrepreneur magazine. Biro goes on to explain that millennials seek fulfilling work, with an employer and in an environment which does not have them compromise their work. And with millennials now the largest generation in the workplace, it behooves […]