Learning and Development in the Energy Industry: Training for Safety and Compliance

Learning and development in the oil and gas industry faces the challenge of keeping pace with training for safety as well as new technologies.
Learning and Development in Healthcare: Training for Patient Safety and Compliance

The needs of learning and development in healthcare are dramatically different from those of other industries, making for unique challenges for the talent development field. Patient-provider interactions—and the environments in which they take place—vary widely. Technologies are updated frequently, requiring constant upgrading of systems and training of staff and contractors. Further, privacy regulations like HIPAA […]
Learning and Development in Financial Services: Creating Impactful Compliance Training

If there is an area of learning and development in financial services that has experienced a cataclysmic change in recent years, it’s the compliance function. Decades of scandal and financial collapse have culminated in the recent deluge of new, more stringent, regulation. Increased regulation has resulted in massive investment and restructuring of the compliance function […]