How Non-Technical Professionals Can Do Instructional Design

How Non-Technical Professionals Can Do Instructional Design

Given the growing training needs inside organizations today — the massive amount of content needed to carry out that training — many organizations are facing the challenge of simply not having enough instructional designers or learning and development professionals to build a sufficient number of courses. We are living in a knowledge economy. Forward-thinking organizations are focused on creating a […]

Producing Quality Training Results in ‘Challenging’ Timeframes

Producing Quality Training Results in 'Challenging' Timeframes

One of the biggest resources needed to build learning content is time. To develop one hour of e-learning training that has an intermediate level of interactivity on the part of the learner (in which the training requires the learner to make multiple responses to instructional cues), the ATD reports that between 71 to 130 hours of development time […]

How L&D Can Deal with Market Realities

One of the biggest challenges of delivering courses is obsolescence: as soon as learners in your organization complete the courses you’ve worked so hard to build, the content is no longer relevant and you now find yourself having to start all over again. According to eLearningIndustry,  the average shelf life of a business skill has dropped […]

eLearning Industry: How to Incentivize Subject Matter Experts

Few can take on more work: we’re all at capacity nowadays. So how can you get subject matter experts (SMEs) to help the learning organization? As they are not on your team, how can you get SMEs to take time out of their busy schedules to write content that forms courses which others in your […]

The Math Behind Agile Learning Design

Time is the most precious resource when building courses. The longer the time needed to build and deliver a course, the greater the risk to the organization. Aside from hours lost to productivity in the L&D department, learners are prevented from using their acquired knowledge and skills in their jobs for the benefit of the […]

Is Continuous Improvement Possible in Learning Design?

One of the pain points of building courses is obsoletion: just as you hit the “Publish” button, the clock is counting down to the point at which the information delivered in the course becomes outdated or irrelevant. Thankfully for instructional designers and L&D managers, learning management systems and authoring tools include dynamic “editing” features that allow content […]

How to leverage employees to effectively develop training content

leverage employees to effectively develop training content

In the case you want to expand on what topics you offer to employees for training programs, you may want to set up an internal crowdsourcing campaign and leverage subject matter experts.  Here are a few suggestions on how to get started: Streamline your idea/intake process If you want to be innovative and capture new […]

Improve the ROI of your Training Development Efforts

Recent L&D Reports in corporate training state that only a third of business organizations feel as if their training programs meet expected results. And this means that over 60% of the organizations fail to generate any significant return on investment from the training they provide to employees and partners. As such, if you are planning […]

5 Ways You Can Improve Your Training Development Program

For any business organization to be successful, it is necessary that employees perform to the best of their capacity. However, this is only possible if the employees are constantly trained in the latest skills. It is with this understanding that training development programs started in the corporate world. And if you are in charge of […]

Converting Instructor-Led Training into eLearning

A few years ago there was a project to move thousands of hours of instructor-led training to online “eLearning” in a very short period of time. There was a huge business driver behind this. The company was facing a potential strike in six to nine months and they were preparing a contingency plan in case […]